- CU Boulder
Patrick is a first year PhD student in Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado - Boulder working with Dr. David Klaus in Bioastronautics. As part of NASA Habitats optimized for Missions of Exploration Space Technology Research Institute (HOME STRI) his research will focus on the feasible integration of artificial intelligence and smart technologies in space habitats for risk mitigation. Patrick was born and raised in Augsburg, Germany where he received his IHK certificate (equiv. associate degree) in computer engineering in 2010. After attending the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg, he transferred to the University of Alabama and graduated with his B.S. in mechanical engineering in 2018. During his undergraduate career, he spent multiple semesters interning at NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) working on the informatics subsystem for the next generation spacesuit developing the mechanical design for a new camera and lighting system as well as Human-in-the-Loop testing of augmented-reality Extravehicular Activity (EVA) systems. Additionally, Patrick interned one semester at NASA Langley Research Center conducting research on materials for inflatable habitats. Having lived for 26 years in Germany, Patrick loves playing soccer and basketball. Being a huge football fan, he is supporting the buffs ever since getting to Boulder, however he is still rooting full heartedly for the Crimson Tide.