Image of HAT projectHuman-Autonomy Teaming in the Aerospace Research Simulator

This project investigates ways for an autonomous system to measure the cognitive state of a human operator. In the Aerospace Research Simulator at CU Boulder, subjects complete spaceflight-relevant tasks while receiving recommendations about actions they should take from an autonomous system. If an autonomous system can measure an operator's cognitive state and adapt accordingly, it can best aid the operator as they complete their tasks.


Air revitalization rackAir Revitalization Rack

The Human-Autonomy Teaming (HAT) research thrust has developed an ECLSS-focused design reference scenario with an associated mockup, called the Air Revitalization Rack (ARR). It is representative of future ECLSS hardware that will likely take on a consolidated, stacked configuration with a digital controls interface and accessible ports and interfaces. This so-called pallet configuration will facilitate efficient, modular repair by humans, autonomous agents, and human-autonomy teams. With identical mockups at UC Davis and CU Boulder, the ARR's simulated tasks and hardware will afford investigators a testbed with which they can explore pertinent dynamics of HAT.