Torin Clark, Ph.D.

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  • CU Boulder

Assistant Professor


 (303) 492-4015

Office location: AERO N301


PhD, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013
MS, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010
BS, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, 2008

Professional Experience

2016 - Present, Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
2018 - 2018, Summer Faculty Research Fellow, Office of Naval Research, Naval Medical Research Unit
2015 - 2015, Visiting Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
2013 - 2015, NSBRI First Award Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
2013 - 2015, Research Affiliate, Man Vehicle Laboratory, MIT
2012 - 2013, Boeing Research Fellow, Man Vehicle Laboratory, MIT
2008 - 2013, Research Fellow, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory

Awards (selected)

Summer Faculty Research Fellow for the Office of Naval Research (ONR), 2018
Outstanding Mentor Award from the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, 2018
Selected for National Academies' Forum for New Leaders in Space Science, 2016
Stanley Roscoe Award for Best Doctoral Thesis from the Aerospace Human Factors Association, 2014

Research Interests

Astronaut biomedical and cognitive issues, aerospace human factors, human sensorimotor/vestibular function and adaptation, interaction of human-autonomous systems, mathematical models of spatial orientation perception and motion sickness, pilot spatial disorientation, artificial gravity, human-in-the-loop experiments 

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