- Georgia Institute of Technology
Yanjie Guo is an PhD candidate in aerospace engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests involve various multidisciplinary techniques and their applications to aerospace systems, such as autonomous system using reinforcement learning, vision-based attitude control and tracking systems, and optimal low-thrust trajectory design. His current focus is on active sensing systems that exploit available actuators to improve state estimation.
For his M.S. degree, Yanjie worked on the attitude determination and control system for the Tethering And Ranging mission of the Georgia Institute of Technology (TARGIT) CubeSat mission. He developed a hardware-in-the-loop simulation testing environment, and used it to study the dynamics of a tethered small spacecraft system, and validated three customized attitude controllers that uses limited optical sensors that provided only relative position and attitude information. In addition, Yanjie has experience in advanced control systems and computer science techniques. His previous work included trajectory optimal control with neighboring guidance to resist state perturbations, car in maze pathfinding using Markov Decision Process (MDP) and Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT), and scene recognition using deep learning with fine-tuned pre-trained AlexNet.
Before transferring to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he received his B.S. in aeronautical engineering, Yanjie majored in mechanical engineering at Beijing University of Technology.